City officials unveil street sign topper to name Cathedral City neighborhood

Cathedral City City officials today unveiled a street sign topper to name a Cathedral City neighborhood "Ocotillo Square" in what they said is an e...

January 19, 2023
7:50 AM

Cathedral City City officials today unveiled a street sign topper to name a Cathedral City neighborhood "Ocotillo Square" in what they said is an effort to give residents a sense of place. The morning unveiling was held at the northwest corner of Ocotillo Park, 33300 Moreno Road -- with Cathedral City Mayor Rita Lamb and Councilwoman Nancy Ross taking part along with commissioners, residents and the sign-topper's artist, Barbara Swain. "The neighborhood in question is known today by several names, The Mile or The Square Mile or the South City but no formal name has ever been attributed to the neighborhood,'' the city said in a statement.

City News Service